

Deep think, Easy go.


System Engineer walking arround Cloud Architecture, Developer Experiences, Kubernetes and Linux.

Now working on a Kubernetes-based platform in a financial company.

I like Kubernetes, Go. Not a Google freak but true respect.


  • 2017-2018: Developer of a finacial data warehouse system based on Oracle.

  • 2018-: Maintainer of a private application framework based on SpringFramework.

  • 2018-: Maintainer of Linux virtual machines hosting apps implementing on the above framework.

  • 2019-: Developer & Architect of a Kubernetes-based private platform on AWS.

Tech stack

Languages & Frameworks

  • Go (Main)
  • Python
  • Java
  • Flutter
  • React
  • Angular
  • Bash

Infrastructure & Cloud Provider

  • Kubernetes (Certificate Kubernetes Administrator, Contributons: website, kubebuilder)

  • Linux (Arround Container)

  • Amazon Web Service (AWS Certified SAA, Contributons: EKS Best Practices)

  • Oracle (Oracle Master Silver 12c)

  • Google Cloud Platform (Mainly GKE)

  • Microsoft Azure


  • Japan Statistical Society Certificate Level 2 (統計検定 2級)

  • Alexa skill developer (My hobby is about IoT and daily automation🙌)